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Specialty Products

High Pressure & Temperature Sensor

High Pressure & Temperature Sensor

Technical Information

  1. Measuring range: Pt: -196…550 C, J/K: -200…550°C
  2. Material of wetted parts: 304ss or 316Lss (other materials on request)
  3. Process connection: M20x1.5, G1/2”, 1/2”NPT, flanges according to DIN or ANSI
  4. Diameter of measuring insert: Ø 2mm, Ø 6mm or Ø 8mm
  5. Minimal immersion depth: 30mm
Double Bleed & Block, and Manifold

Double Block & Bleed Valves


  • Two configurations available:
  • Single block and bleed (needle/needle)
  • Double block and bleed (ball/needle/ball or needle/ needle/needle).
  • Double block and bleed configuration allows for double positive isolation.
  • Vee stem vent valve.
  • Available for sour gas applications. Materials are selected in accordance with
  • NACE MR0175/ISO15156.
  • Maximum operating pressure up to 20,000psi

Custom Manifolds


  • Basic block for fluid distribution.
  • Manifolds with needle valve assemblies for flow control.
  • Both standard and quick open needle valves assemblies available.
  • Replaceable seats available for ease of repair, minimizing long term costs.
Micro Metering Valve

Micro Metering Valves


HTG’s micro metering valve is designed for precise metering of fluids up to 66,000psi. Valve assembly is available for ¼” and 3/8” for 37,000 psi and 66,000 psi selection. The unique stem design coupled with clear vernier indicators on the barrel and thimble ensures accurate adjustments every time.

Although it is able to fully close but it is a recommended practice to include a shut off valve along the pressure line to protect the precise control parts within the metering valve.

With the added metering feature and the qualities of the valves, it makes HTG highly suited for use in different industries and environment.

To add metering feature to your valve, add “-M” after the part number.

High Pressure Temperature Valves

High Pressure Temperature Valves

HTG’s High pressure temperature valve is designed for testing up to 1,000°F (538°C) and pressure up to 30,000psi. Valve assembly is available for medium and high pressure up to 1” selection. The high extension provides a means to move the packing area away from the hot zone of the valve.


The standard is Grafoil, and Teflon packing is also available. Nonrotating tip stem prevent galling at the seats and minimize torque requirements for positive shut off.

When ordering, simply add the suffix “HT” to the standard valve number (example: 20NVA12HF-HT)

Note: These valves may also be used in cryogenic application, with Teflon packing supplied.

High Pressure Electropneumatic Flow Control Valve

High Pressure Electropneumatic Flow Control Valve


  • Max. operating pressure :15,000 psi
  • Range (adjustment range) :10:1
  • CV (Orifice) :(0.1-0.5”) Adjustable
  • Body :SS316L
  • Seat(seat) :SS316L
  • Stem (stem) :SUH660
  • Gland Packing (Seal) :Reinforce PTFE
  • Packing Gland Bush (Sealed Cap) :SUS316L
  • Connection Port for the valve :9/16” MP
  • Explosion Proof :Ex ia IIc T4/T6 Gb
  • Instrument Air :Min. 6 bar
  • Dimension :(190x260x305mm) (L x W x H)
Quick Disconnect Coupling

Quick Disconnect Coupling

Quick couplers are quick-disconnect fittings used in a hydraulic or pneumatic system to quickly connect lines without losing fluid or fluid pressure. Quick couplers are designed to be connected and disconnected immediately without the use of tools, eliminating the need to close valves, bleed the system, recharge with fluid, and/or purge entrapped gas when parts are disconnected and replaced. For this reason, HTG had specially included these range of products that are especially useful in critical or time-dependent production applications where speed is key issue. Quick couplers also save valuable time when used to construct or tear down plumbing systems.

Specialty Products


  • Designing, engineering, fabricating and installing
  • Solutions are carefully crafted based on clients’ requirements.
  • With our constant research and development into latest products and solutions